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        .---------------==<    DEMOBIT '98 results    >==--------------.
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        Demobit '98 was held on Nov 21-22nd 1998 in Bratislava, Slovakia
        More info & productions are on http://www.demobit.sk
        These are full party results, send your comments & bugfixes to

              ------==< PC Demo >==------

                      Name            Group|Person            Points

        1. (5)        Cage            Zircon|Shakul           118 pts
        2. (1)        Why             7 Gods                  113 pts
        3. (2)        XLAT            MovSD|ReDox             112 pts
        4. (7)        Minimal         Zden                    105 pts
        5. (3)        The Bolt        Softek                   44 pts
        6. (6)        Negative        Mr. Destiny              20 pts
        7. (4)        Noc a den       Silique                didn't run

              ------==< 64k Intro >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (4)        Level I         Twinsen/Peon            247 pts
        2. (2)        Those Who       Dement/Downtown         121 pts
                       Give Sunshine
        3. (3)        Underground 2:  D.Ment/Broncs            82 pts
        4. (1)        Vanhakoulu      Britelite/Alpha Design   46 pts

              ------==< 4k Intro >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (4)        FEI No More     Olli3                   217 pts
        2. (5)        Orange Mind     fh                      161 pts
        3. (1)        Calm            Fire/Softek              91 pts
        4. (3)        Reflection      Bravos Star              25 pts
        5. (2)        Flying          Farpoint                 19 pts

              ------==< 256b intro >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (3)        dr()pz!         -baze-                  215 pts
        2. (1)        Skullz          Beetle/3SC               95 pts
        3. (4)        SAT256B         Twinsen/Peon             80 pts
        4. (2)        Fuzzy           Astex/3SC                70 pts

              ------==< PC Music >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (12)       Singing Piano   Tren/7 Gods             101 pts
        2. (14)       Coralio         Gurun/MiST               58 pts
        3. ( 1)       77              Hudis                    51 pts
        4. (13)       Tech            JMC                      48 pts
        5. (15)       Princess        Johnko/MiST^Cryogen      41 pts
                      of Persia
        6. (10)       2Beat           Sparkie/Dwarfpine        39 pts
        7. ( 2)       Steel Dawn      Panter/Peon              37 pts
        8. (16)       Crying Rain     Bobo                     36 pts
        9. ( 9)       DEMOSHIT'98     Charon ME                33 pts
       10. ( 8)       Interaction     Photon                   28 pts
       11. ( 6)       Rytmus98        NoroSoft                 25 pts
       12. ( 7)       Stars of Joy    Bluezone/Sequence        21 pts
       13. ( 3)       And when the    Ma Reuter                15 pts
                       winds are calling...
       14. ( 5)       Moonrise        -baze-/3SC               13 pts
       15. (11)       Dubova hlava    Sputn!k                  10 pts
       16. (18)       Green Rain      Robo                      7 pts
           (19)       Slap Dance      Emzet                     7 pts
           (20)       1441            Imp                       7 pts
       19. ( 4)       Alive           Shadow/Peon               6 pts
       20. (17)       Missies         Daniel Bahna              5 pts

              ------==< PC Pixel GFX >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (7)        Dig Your Own    Scape/MiST              193 pts
        2. (6)        PIC480          David Bennar            159 pts
        3. (5)        Sexcalibur      Temny alias El Brutalo   94 pts
        4. (3)        Jozifek         Akeer                    37 pts
        5. (4)        ..po 7 pivach.. Stynger/Peon             35 pts
        6. (2)        Luna            sHTiF                    22 pts
        7. (1)        Voodoo          Fire/Softek              21 pts

              ------==< PC Raytraced GFX >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (2)        Topierr         Nelo                    155 pts
        2. (3)        Morden          Peter Gerhat            138 pts
        3. (1)        Kava            Voomie/Mist             134 pts
        4. (4)        Kola            FlashG                   69 pts

              ------==< C64 Music >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (2)        Back To Melody  Orcan/React             201 pts
        2. (1)        Joockie         Lunatic/Cult             69 pts
        3. (5)        For Tiffany     Sad/Anubis               68 pts
        4. (4)        Falling To      Manex/Anubis             63 pts
        5. (6)        Catch That      CreamD/DMagic            54 pts
        6. (3)        Wotnau Comes    Greatrix/Cult            17 pts

              ------==< C64 GFX >==------

                      Name            Person/Group            Points

        1. (4)        Stylish House   Havran/Studio Style     206 pts
        2. (2)        It (Will-O'-    Reekol/React            123 pts
        3. (1)        Black Death's   Sam/Cult                102 pts
        4. (3)        Dready          Sign/Anubis              41 pts

              ------==< WEB Design >==------

                      Author              Points

        1. (4)        David Bennar        47 pts
        2. (2)        Mondo               27 pts
        3. (1)        Mac                 16 pts
        4. (3)        Alladin             13 pts

              ------==< Piskvorky >==------

        1.    Hoven
        2.    Stanley
        3.    Charon ME

